Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do some claim that body hair is sexy...?

And others find it repulsive? It seems like there is no middle ground whatsoever. Some people are like, all natural... shaving is offensive.. hairy is the way we were meant to be and its sexy.. blah blah blah... and others are all like, hairy women are gross, shave it off if you want a date, etc. So... what caused this total clash of ideas? How do I decide what's right for me? Is shaving really *wrong*?

Why do some claim that body hair is sexy...?

i like it all smooth, just do what you like. If you want to keep it natural, that's ok. If you like it shaved, it's ok.

Why do some claim that body hair is sexy...?

Shaving is not wrong, it's simply a matter of personal preference. Plenty of people like trimmed rather than bushy or smooth.

Why do some claim that body hair is sexy...?

Shaving is no different than doing your hair, its just something people do to play the game, theres no real purpose to it. And there is middle ground; i think woman that are too shaved sometimes look unnatural and not as sexy, but woman who are too hairy just look manly...

The clash of ideas i think is caused partially by personal preferences, but mostly by conditioning - in some societies, like ours, its kind of weird for girls not to shave but in others its weird to shave...

Why do some claim that body hair is sexy...?

nothing wrong in shaving

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